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  • vjkypally
    09-02 09:00 AM
    There are about 37 EB2-India approvals and not a single EB2-China from yesterday's data. Looks like there are not many EB2-China before 2005. This spill over is definitely good for India.

    This proves even Ron Gotcher can be wrong!!!

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  • howru
    11-07 01:05 PM
    Can someone help me with this...
    As per the new rules for indian passport nenewal, you are supposed to fill an online form which would prepare a PDF file with your entries , and then you have to take a printout and submit it at the cosulate.
    But the problem is, there are many more questions in the PDF from which are not even mentioned in the online form.

    My dilemma is,
    What do I do with the entries in the PDF form (passport) that are NOT filled by the online form ? Am I supposed to fill them by pen or just leave them alone ?

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  • 485Mbe4001
    04-06 02:06 PM
    Nice post, i came to the US in 1996 for my masters, followed all rules to the T and got stuck. I am on my 4th AP and EAD (5th if you consider OPT). I think main problem is that we are trying to solve too many issues with limited ammunition. Start with a single point agenda for the short term...lets say recaptuing unused visas or something that is the least controvertial and focus on pushing it at every available opportunity. Currently we see a new proposal everyday and all they do besides encouraging debate (which is good) is motivate bystanders to distort the issue and divide the group.


    Commendable effort. The ideas presented in the forum and your personal experience as well as some research by you were taken to the people who might have some say in this process. The outcome of it does not matter right now, atleast the process has started and we need to follow on it with some targeted activity. Lot of my fellow IV'ians gave suggestions and some presented stories too. I did come across this thread only today and I missed out on an opportunity to present my story but nevertheless others have done so, i am somewhat lucky that despite the pain and hardship I did get my GC a year and half ago but I feel the pain my friends go through every day and continue to associate with IV.

    I have read through each and every post made in this thread and these are good responses. There are some very good proposals - some likely to benefit a small set of
    people ( GC's for Master's from US universities) and others wide encompassing.
    I think the fix for this needs to go beyond smaller subsets of people.
    A single master stroke is not going to erase the backlog it will need a series of fixes and the best way to go about it is to push for 1 or 2 main goals which will eliminate most of the issues. IV's core efforts are in the right direction.

    IV'ians need to be united in getting a broadly accepted solution to majority of people rather than a small minority. Clearly my allegiance lies with people with priority dates which are more than 5 years old, people who are stuck in backlog centers, name check's and unexplained delays for no fault of theirs. This is not to belittle other people who are in the line for their GC's everybody have to wait their turn.

    Friends who are espousing the cause of faster GC's for US Masters, do not sit on the high pedestal and belittle the people who came in on 'work visas'. They have as much right as you to have that 'Green card'. The time is not to fight EB2 vs EB3 or by ethnicity. A big deluge starts with a small drop of water, let us begin somewhere and once we get a fix to the larger problem other things will fall in place.

    oh for the people who are ready to bash me, please see my profile, been in this country since 1996 and earned 2 Masters and yet classified as EB3 by employer. Yes I joined IV late officially but I try to do my bit in whatever way I can.

    - cheers

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  • eb3retro
    06-26 10:08 AM
    reddymjm, when do u think u will be greened?

    You might be greened in SEP 2010.


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  • AllVNeedGcPc
    03-06 09:53 AM
    I can host one person. I am in Sterling, VA (5 minutes from Dulles Airport) . If you can arrange a car then its 30 minutes drive from DC.

    PM me for more details...

    I have registered for Advocacy Days in DC.
    I will come from SC. Can I get any help on accomodation/carpool? I will book my own tickets.

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  • zbd
    05-15 04:24 PM
    I'm trying to make decision to pick consular or Adj. status.
    Please, can somebody tell me the flow on Adj. status here.
    1-File 485.
    2. Finger Print notice (you said around 30 days)
    3.?? (medical??)
    4.?? (FBI??)

    and total approximate time for same center for all family.

    I really apreciate if you can also write your experience to compare Consular and Adj. status.



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  • BharatPremi
    10-12 02:46 PM
    "Year 2003 - EB2 faced little retrogression briefly for 4-5 months and
    second trend of RIR denials and second trend of forcing EB3- NON RIR
    filing. EB3 faced brief retrogression for 2 months. "

    Bharat Premi please clarify

    It is difficult for me to produce all "Proofs" at this point of time, perhaps if I dig my some of past CDs I may be able to bring some articles but it will be a hell of time. Anyway still trying to put some explanation. First of all you need to understand the difference between today's bulletin system and bulletin system prevalent around 1999-2003. I vaguely remember, mostly till 2002 mid only Mexico and Philipines and India were "oversubscribed" countries.INS played a very smart game with bulletins then as well but somehow there was no public cry like what we experienced during this july. I do not remember exactly but probably during almost whole 2003 and perhaps for some months during 2002 India was out from "Oversubscribed" category. Before that India was used to be "Current" almost all the time. Now during the time India compeltely disapperared from bulletins, we needed to solely depend upon the internal news about retrogression and most of the information I was used to get from immigration.com and murthy.com articles and many articles were talking about this EB2 and Eb3 retrogression.

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  • Macaca
    01-18 10:01 AM
    Do you know the story of the crow getting to the water by putting pebbles into the jug which had very little water?

    Well, here we are: the water is IV's target...the pebbles are the contributions ($200, great, but $20, still good!!) from a large number of members. It's impossible to justify why one can not contribute $200 when the core members and some others like you & anurakt have given so much more. I believe it is equally important to encourage as many members to contribute as much they can.

    No contribution is too small if it is actually made. An ounce of action is better than a pound of intention!

    The weekness in this analogy is the absence of a time limit on the crow. If the crow will die by a certain time, then the crow better start putting bigger pebbles.

    It will take 10 months to pay $200 if you pay $20/month. Legislation may start coming up in Feb. Money is needed to get the issue on the table and NOT when the issue is on the table. That time is right now.


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  • santb1975
    04-07 12:22 PM
    One of our goals is to create a strong IV professional Network as well. Everyone is welcome to Join

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  • belmontboy
    09-26 01:38 PM
    I assume you all checked ur GC wait time - which probably gave u like 10yrs or 18 years from today. Are you expecting vertical spillover to put you on fast track lane?? say getting a GC in 2010? 2011?? 2012???

    vertical spillover will only help EB3's that are very close to Visa Bulletin dates.

    There are app 200k people waiting, changing how they allocate leftovers is not going to help 200k hungry people. What we need is more food (more Visa's).

    I am awe'd by the shortsightedness of the solution being discussed in this thread. Do you really think vertical spillover is going to help an EB3 > jan 2006???

    when we are ready to spend "X" $ on getting a law change for "vertical" spillover, why not spend "x+y" $ and put same effort and get a permanent solution - "Visa recapture" ???

    Moreover the latter is certainly going to get you a bigger participation from EB community. Visa recapture will benefit the entire EB group and future applicants too.

    I strongly urge you folks to think about these.


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  • hello
    04-07 07:38 AM
    This is a supporting thread to the "Want to File I-485 without Current Priority Date? Gather here" thread started by pappu.

    As suggested by pappu/starsun, this supporting thread provides impacted members with additional information and tools to help the initiative.

    Visit Immigration Voice Wiki (http://immigrationvoice.org/wiki/index.php/Employment_Based_Green_Card#Process_.28EB1.2C_EB2. 2C_and_EB3.29) - for overview of Employment Based - Green Card process
    Visit I485 Filing w/o current PD Wiki (http://immigrationvoice.org/wiki/index.php/Current_Grass-Roots_Initiative_-_I-485_Filing_without_Current_Priority_Date) - for overview of this initiative

    As pappu stated in the first post of the above referenced thread - some of the ongoing efforts include finding how many IV members would get benefit from such a provision and get basic details such as username/Priority Date of impacted members. Future action items might include drafting documents and letters to support this provision. There maybe actions such as sending emails etc. However we would not be able to open a public action item unless we can have thousands of our members willing to participate in a grassroots action item. This survey intends to understand the needs of our membership for this provision and collect grassroots information.

    The fact is we have a dedicated group of volunteers (and we need more) who have been trying their best to spread the message about this initiative so that a strong grass-roots support can be created leading up to launch of the public action items. So far we have around 1100 people who have responded. Based on quick calculations carried out using PERM data, it is estimated that there are at least 60K-70K EB applicants waiting to file I-485/EAD/AP (this is a very conservative estimate..the actual number could be much more). Grass-roots initiatives require time and patience and we request maximum number of impacted folks to participate actively.
    What can you do to participate?
    1) Vote on the poll/survey created by Pappu.


    Then please send an email to ivcoordinator@gmail.com (starsun) with subject - "I485 filing without current PD - Impacted Member". Include your a) IV username b) Email address c) Phone #, d) State of Residence e) Priority Date - so that grassroot efforts can be coordinated

    2) Print out below Flier and circulate at all asian/indian malls/groceries/theaters. Forward the flier to your friends/co-workers and ask them to do the same.

    I485 Filing Initiative Flier (http://immigrationvoice.org/wiki/images/a/a8/Flier_I485_latest2.pdf)

    3) Volunteers have created a facebook community and an Immigration Voice WIKI page to spread the message about this initiative. Please circulate these links among your friends/co-workers who will be helped.

    Please "Share" and "Link" and "send to friend" the facebook community via your Facebook account. Also include these two links when you post on the IV forum.

    Facebook - IV I485 filing w/o current PD initiative community (http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/Immigration-Voice-Grass-roots-Campaigns/150562351660693?v=info)

    (Just FYI that you might have to be logged in for the above link to direct to the facebook community. Alternately, search for "Immigration Voice Grass-roots Campaigns" to find the community after logging in. Search "Immigration Voice" to go to the IV's main facebook page)

    Immigration Wiki -
    I485 Filing Initiative - IV Wiki (http://immigrationvoice.org/wiki/index.php/Current_Grass-Roots_Initiative_-_I-485_Filing_without_Current_Priority_Date)

    PM these members for additional info:
    nmdial ; geevikram ; vbkris77 ; ashwin_27 ; snathan
    Dedicated members can also join the leaders group: http://groups.google.com/group/485-filing-iv-initiative

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  • gsc999
    01-19 01:04 AM
    its sad to see so many free Riders

    I just make 30K but have contributed more than $ 250 and signed for 50$

    comon guys Wake Up please !!!!

    help IV
    we need all the help
    its now or never

    Please lets help ourselves for a change atleast once

    I contributed $50 earlier today, your post has inspired me to make an offer, like what Anurakt has made."I will contribute $500 to IV if we sign-up 20 members for recurring $50/m OR 200 members for $20/m, whichever is earlier."


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  • gautam25
    09-26 12:50 AM
    SKILLZ..so u are from stanford..and you dont work in IT..if you are such an intelligent being..I am sure..u will also say ...u are not an Indian..I hate people like u..Even if you are from stanford..it just goes on to show..that people will always be the way they are..a good institute or good education cannot change a person...

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  • dba9ioracle
    05-19 05:31 PM
    I called to 4 offices so far today afternoon. I talked to 2 of them and provided the information they asked, 1 asked if I am a IV member and 1 went to voice message. Got very friendly response.

    Did you call today ? Please do call if you haven't so far.


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  • indianabacklog
    10-18 02:46 PM
    My dauther is 22 years and 8 month old.
    We have not received an official notification from CIS yet, but she is aged-out according to the way the formula is applied.
    I started my case (EB-3) with DOL in Sep.08,05 when she was 20 and a half years old; My I-140 was approved on Aug.02,05. I had to wait almost 1 year for a visa. On Jul.2,07 I sent I-485s and I-765s. We have received the Work Permits and the apointment notices for the biometrics for each member of my family, including my daughter.
    I live in Falls Church, Virginia, so I went to Jim Moran's office (my House representative) to explain my case, how the CSPA fails and ask him to request CIS to apply the law in a different way (I would say in the right way). I talked to one of his staffers but he said that the law is very clear about the time the case is considered in process (only considers the time the I-140 was in process). As you know, CSPA does not consider the time in DOL nor the time waintg for a visa (retrogression).
    Also my daughter has talked to Senator Webb and he wanted to know how many cases are beeing affected, particularly in Virginia, to see if there are several cases, then something can be done.
    I was wondering if any one has heard about any change on CSPA and if someone know where can I find how many cases are being affected by this nightmare or if someone has started something to have this law be doing the right thing: to protect children and families.
    Thanks for your help

    I have no idea how we can find out how many people are in this situation. From this site alone I think there are probably 'several' of us who would love to share our stories with Jim Moran's office. Surely where we live should make no difference since immigration law is fixed at the federal level.

    I had to wait three and a half years for my labor cert. My son was 18 when it was applied for. I never imagined he would age out. Shows how naive I was with regard to the long labor backlog caused by the 245i mini amnesty of 2001.

    I would be happy to share my case, for certain. It is refreshing to have a legislative office that seem interested and not just give their standard useless replies.

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  • sbabunle
    06-07 05:31 PM
    Wonderful..So Mr. President is recommending
    to reduce the GCs.....I better pack my bags
    and be ready!!

    Bush plays down differences over immigration
    Wed Jun 7, 2006 11:32am ET

    Border Politics
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    Nebraska Democratic Sen. Ben Nelson told the Omaha World Herald newspaper that there has been talk that House and Senate negotiators will not even meet to work out their differences, which would doom passage of immigration legislation before the November mid-term elections.

    Bush has stressed both sides must be willing to compromise. As an example, he said Congress should decide whether to reduce the number of "green cards" issued to permanent legal residents if there are too many immigrants.

    Bush lost a debate last year to overhaul the Social Security benefits system, despite traveling the country holding campaign-like rallies. His efforts in the immigration debate are beginning to look like a similar national campaign with stops in Texas and New Mexico on Tuesday.

    Trying to nudge immigrants into learning English and assimilating into U.S. culture, Bush dropped in on a U.S. history and civics class for immigrants at the Catholic Charities Juan Diego Center.

    Getting into the spirit of the class, he asked students which presidents had sons follow them into the White House, then answered in Spanish.

    He and his father, Bush said, and John Adams and his son, "Juan Q." Adams.

    (Additional reporting by Matt Spetalnick)

    < Previous 1 | 2 Next > � Reuters 2006. All Rights Reserved.


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  • pappusheth
    08-18 01:54 PM
    whats ur e-file date pappuseth
    and whats ur PD.Any infopass appt done and how did u open the expedite SR.
    Please provide info.

    here is all the info that you needed indian111

    EAD renewal filed for my wife (i'm working on h1 and didn't apply for me)
    Efiled at TSC on May 29th and sent the documents right away
    got a soft lud on June 6th and then received FP notice in mail.
    FP done on June 21st as per the notice..

    After that there was no lud, no update for long time... we started getting little worried..

    on the 69th day my wife called uscis to inquire. uscis representative was nice to talk but gave same info as you see online. but he said that we can call after 75 days to open SR.
    my wife called on the 75th day which was Friday August 15th. she used the POJ method (i found it somewhere on this forum). she again got a nice person. the rep said that she will open the SR and said that can request expediting. but said that in 5 days they will let us know if the expedite request is accepted or not.
    over the weekend i was thinking of taking the infopass appointment but thought i would wait for a week more

    and today morning i got the email from CRIS about cpo..

    as i said, i'm not sure if today's status update is anyway linked to the SR she opened..

    do let me know if you need more info..

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  • desigirl
    10-28 09:45 AM
    Well it is against the law to employ illegals and this is enforced strictly, so we can forget about tax deduction at source, SS, etc. It will be minuscule. These so called publications are from their supporters which they have numerous of.

    Yes, there lies 1/2 the problem. Illegal immigrants will come as long as there is somebody ready to provide them a job. If the business owners are held accountable with heavy fines and punishment - half the problem is solved and the other half of the problem will gradually come to an end. But such enforcements are not there and are not widely talked about. Easy to blame the illegals when they are looking for betterment of life, while the business owners are lapping in luxury!

    Bring the border control, and add in tough enforcement on business that hire illegals - and then you still will have to address the people who are still here illegally. It may not be 12 million, but millions will still remain. That issue has to be addressed. The current president has said that they are to be a given a "path to legality" - pay the fine (yes, it may be trivial in our standards, but not theirs) and get in line. It is not blanket amnesty either.

    Most of us in this forum don't support law breaking, at the same time, we have to be practical.....

    There is no proof that the new bill will reduce costs at all! It will take many years to realize it anyway. Reform was needed but not at this moment when there were bigger issues that needed fixing in 6-12 months.
    What reform was needed first? immigration reform before health reform? lets fix the problems of the foreigners first, and then lets take care of the dying? Does that sound right? Even otherwise, which ever reform the president and the congress had taken, would it have gotten support?

    economy is doing well = tax break; economy is not doing well = tax break - does that make sense?
    big govt is bad! please vote for me, I want to run for the govt!
    education - we don't have much money. defense - we are always under attack, so lets spend more money on 20th century war craft!
    list goes on an on.......

    Citizenship is not the answer and I'm tired of seeing all immigration bills partial to illegals.
    They should go to the back of the queue and get reform only after legal immigration is fixed.
    They should go to the back of the queue and get reform along with legal immigration.
    Their supporters are hampering our efforts.
    absolutely! wouldn't you? they play the game of leverage and we would do the same.
    There are millions of poorer people in Africa and India who need more help. These countries have better farmers too.
    If they shared borders with the US, they would have done exactly what the mexicans are doing.

    The sad thing that separates our community from theirs is that they stand up for their own people irrespective of wealth. Take our community - of the hundreds who got the green card/citizenship - how many stay to help us? Why are the older generation of Indian immigrants fighting the new comers?

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  • hinvin66
    05-03 03:26 PM
    Requested infopass for next week.

    09-20 11:14 AM
    man after reading all these stories I am completely bummed out that I couldn't make it. Kudos to all of you who were there and thanks.

    05-01 01:09 PM
    I am also stuck in Atlanta center after audit came for my labour.

    Applied for labour# May 30, 2007
    Audit Date# October 04, 2007
    Reply Date# October 18, 2007
    Status# Pending

    hellomms Could you gather all such people who are facing this issue and want to join the effort to fix it, at a single place on an IV thread. Once we have a sizable number of people to take initiative this effort can be successful. It is difficult to divert attention and resources for a single person. Each immigration issue that our community faces is important to the person suffering from it. IV is a place where people can get together and do something about fixing it.

    I am willing to take the responsibility of gathering dates of people that are stuck and waiting for a reply.:)

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